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personal problem with forum

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  • #52206 Quote
    I may be over stepping my boundaries with with, but can we get a forum at the top the mane Minnesota Furs 2018 spring Picnic, fall picnic, and all other event postings listing the exact date and the address?

    I have problems finding details like that, and I cant be the only one, it would be the most help full thing in the world when pressed for time, or lost trying too find an event while on the way.

    #52213 Quote
    Moved it into the more appropriate since this is not about going to the spring picnic directly.

    We used to do that in 2006-2011 time frame where we tried to keep it up to date. That really didn’t work well since we list the information about the event in a lot of other places so we ran into the problem of conflicting information. We also don’t want to be updating it every week when events are over – otherwise people can get confused if we didn’t immediately update the information people went to events that happened in the past. We also had where dates on X page, didn’t get entered, and people then missed events. Also because it was always there people missed it.

    This is a big reason why every page on the bottom list the 5 most upcoming events and also we have a calendar page that lists all events including repeating events like the Oval Meets. https://www.mnfurs.org/event-calendar/ page can also be used on any computer/phone/tablet with calendar and it should stay up to date when new events are entered. So yes you can have all your events appear on your iPhone, Google Calendar, outlook etc. I’ve even switched to tracking some of the events through that.

    I need to check another thing I can’t remember if we had the header text previously on this site showing up for the forums. So while the https://www.mnfurs.org/forums/ if you look at the picnic it’s listed there the date, location, and where it is. It used to not list it when a person went to the general page – it is now there on “desktop/tablet” https://www.mnfurs.org/forums/forum/minnesota-furs-2018-spring-picnic/ which should help the causal user.

    In the long term I want to make sure this is recorded – I want it to be considered when we update/redesign/and new team is involved with this site.

    Member of Minnesota Furs a 501c3 Non Profit, former Convention Chairman for Furry Migration, volunteer, and always doings lots of other stuff.

    Feel free to ask questions because I'm here for you!
    Kurst "YipYap" Hyperyote

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The RSVP Plus One is for one-time guests or guardians of the MNFurs member going to event.

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