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Room for one more…?

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  • #59377 Quote
    Hello there!!
    Greetings from Fürth, Bavaria, Germany.

    I stumbled across your website a week ago, after our 11 year old (what IS it with 11 year olds?! Oh, hang on! Start of pre-teen identity seeking and exploration prime time. Fine.) told us that she is a Furry!!  *squee*

    The writing has been on the wall, or rather the fur has been strong in this one for a long time, and it all makes so much sense! She is a very creative bright kid, doodling and drawing all day long, we have crafted big and small dragon hand puppets (inspired by Wood-Splitter-Lee), there is a huge box of hand made costumes and props (including fox tails and ears I lovingly knotted from wool!!!), and just before her birthday recently she drew this gorgeous picture of herself as a slightly shy teen fox. I loved it so much and bought transfer foil to print it on a tshirt for her. So very cool!

    For her it was a big step to tell us and she is really embracing the label, excited to have a group to identify with, which then also linked up with the whole pre-teen, finding her identity away from core family, getting ready for secondary school, losing the last of her baby teeth, etc thing that is happening here right now, no doubt accelerated through the extra nest warmth we enjoyed the last 16 months due to Corona.

    School holidays start in a couple of weeks and the plan is to craft a (partial) fur suit and then also maybe find other kids locally who are interested in anthropomorphic animals, art, and all.
    Reading the beautiful post you put together for parents (“Help! My Kid is a Furry! What do I do?”) made me wish we were in Minnesota, but sadly we’re approximately 4400 miles away in a small town near Nuremberg in Bavaria, Germany.

    First tentative searches have shown us that there are actually a few furry communities, there is a regular EuroFurence when Corona isn’t wreaking havoc with events like these, but most of it seems to be for adults only. (not because of any kinky stuff, but for other reasons. Here in Bavaria a group regularly organises disco/dance events with furry DJs, it sounds epic!! Sadly no kids allowed as alcohol is being sold and adding kids to the mix would create more complex rules and regulations for the event planner. Same applies to the EuroFurence. :/

    So instead I thought we might try and set up own own family & kids thing, there surely are many kids who love the art work, the idea, the dressing up, and who wouldn’t normaly have a way to express this outside in *channels Marty from Madagascar*sweeping hand gesture* THE WILD!!!

    And I guess this is where I would love to find out more from you all. How did you go about this, what sort of furry family events are there? What works, what doesn’t? What sort of support do families need or want?

    If this is ok with you I’d love to hang out on the forum, even if I am nowhere near Minnesota and my first thought was “cheese and sprinkles!”, as uttered by the adorable book shop owner and blue macaw mama in Rio.
    (This is my litmus test, if you don’t chuck me out after THAT reference, I know you’re good people!!)

    So anyway, here I am!
    Much love,

    #59378 Quote
    Hi I’m melonai Moonz I’m mostly from the smaller town Minnesota area

    Welcome to the fandom I’m not as active much as I work but yes there is a lot of adult stuff in the fandom

    I personally don’t partake in it I am more at home and don’t want anything to do with that

    But being a supportive parent is important and that’s awesome growing up I didn’t have much support at I was labeled as odd or weird one

    #59406 Quote
    Hi there! There’s always room for another.

    I think its great that you’re being so supportive. I’ve been apart of this group for nearly 15 years and I can try to answer any questions you may have.

    And I guess this is where I would love to find out more from you all. How did you go about this, what sort of furry family events are there? What works, what doesn’t? What sort of support do families need or want?

    We started off by what you’re doing now. Just reaching out and connecting with others that had similar interests. For furry family events some ideas that we have done before are picnics in a park, camping trips, outings to a zoo. You can start things small – the first events were meeting up at someone’s house to have a barbecue and play games in the yard.

    Feel free to stick around and join us


    Furry Migration Staff (programing & help desk)

    Come say hi on the MNFurs Discord!

    Posts on the MNFurs forums are of my own opinion and do not reflect that of MNFurs or chartered events unless otherwise stated.

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