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Tell Us About Yourselves

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  • #21777 Quote
    Dear Candidates,

    We’d like to know who you are, a bit about you, and why we should vote for you.  Can you tell us?  Thanks!

    (Let’s get the ball rolling!)

    #21788 Quote
    Good luck to all the candidates currently running.

    ~ Drake M.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Drake M.. Reason: Grammar errors

    T H €  B | Z   F [] X

    Midwinter Frolic Staff ~ Photography - Midwinter Frolic is a fun winter camping event down at Whitewater State Park.  Attending and have some photography ideas?  Let's chat sometime!

    Furry Migration Staff ~ Programming - A will be a wandering staff photographer at FM this year.  Want a photo or two or more?  I'll be around!

    MNFurs ~ 501(c3) Non-Profit Organization

    #21799 Quote
    Hello there! My name is Chris, but I am better known as “Yarrick”. I am one of the candidates running for the MNFurs board of Directors. I’ve been a member of the MNFurs and other fandom related communities since 2002; I’ve been around for awhile :).

    I may not be the most Vocal person when it comes to things like campaigning for the Board of Directors and that is part of my platform which I will get into later. I tend to be someone who works very much in the background and individually with people.

    I am honest and genuine. If I say I will do something for the community I will do everything in my power to do it. I can be a stubborn wuff at times but this can also be a strength.

    For now, this is enough about ME. The real basis of my platform is that I don’t feel that running for the board is about me.

    I am not running for the board for my own sake. I’m also not the type who will wave my arms around screaming “vote for me; vote for me!” on personal journals or status updates. I am not running for a shiny title to add to my status or make myself feel more important.

    I believe becoming part of the Board of Directors would only be one path in which I can help out Minnesota Furs and the community and it is a path I am willing to take if the community wills it.

    I understand that working for the BoD means dedicating a lot of my time away from “fun” things within the group.

    The Community will always come ahead of myself and ANY and all personal goals I may have within MNFurs. If the community wants something, even if its something I may not agree with that will be what I will push forward for.

    I want to work with the rest of the Board of Directors as a team rather then to be at odds with them. I am very much a Team player and for the Board of Directors to succeed for the community teamwork is key.

    I want to improve the link between the board and the community. I am NOT out there to “Fix” something or point at something and declare it as “Broken”. I also believe there is always room for improvement even in processes that are working.

    With that out of the way, here is an outline of what I have done for the Community both locally and abroad. I have a good amount of experience and would like to continue to put it to use to help Minnesota Furs as I can wherever I may end up:
    Fandom Related:

    • 2012- Current: Event Liason for MNFurs
    • 2007- Current: Gaming Track Head for Midwest Furfest
    • 2009 – Current: Unoffical “Event Photographer” for many Minnesota Furs Events.
    • 2002- Current: Active member of the MNFurs Community
    • 2012: Programming Lead, Cat Days event
    • 2011: Event Lead, Snowpocalypse
    • 2011 – 2012: Steering group member, pre Organization for MNFurs

    Non-Profit/ greater fandom related:

    In addition to MNFurs I have dedicated time working with other non-profits. If elected I would continue to do so. I’ve worked as a volunteer photographer for several non-profits including: The Alzheimers Foundation, Environmental Services for Hennepin County, and Dragon Fest on Lake Como in St Paul.
    I’ve also helped out as a Photographer at several fandom cons including Anime Detour and Anime Fusion; with more conventions that I will volunteer as a photographer for including AD 2014 and Furry Migration.

    About me:

    And last, a little about my personal life. It may seem strange that this at the end of my introduction, but as I stated before I want to put the community first. You guys are the most important thing, not me :3.

    I can be very quiet and soft spoken at times, and I’m a very one on one sort of person. I tend to shy away from really large groups but if you want to get together for dinner as a smaller group or one on one to talk I am all for this.
    I have a number of Hobbies and interests related to or outside the Fandom including:

    • Photography: If you’ve browsed through the Photo Gallery on the Minnesota Furs website you will notice a lot of the photos posted here are mine. I don’t own a fursuit nor do I ever plan on owning or wearing one. I can’t draw if my life depended on it. Within the Fandom and as a Hobby in general Photography is one of the places I really shine. I would like the opportunity to keep growing this hobby but also share my experiences to others and provide tips to those who are interested in learning more about this art.

    • Gaming: As mentioned earlier, I’m current staff at MFF for gaming. If you see me at a MNFurs event if I am not taking photos I am typically playing a game with people. I prefer easy or social games that are easy to teach others how to play (such as Cards Against Humanity, Fluxx, Snake Oil, Tsuro, Apples to Apples, etc). One of the easiest ways to interact with me is to play a game with me. I’m always willing to try something new.
    • Camping: Something I don’t get to do nearly enough and something I would like to do more of. Whether tent camping or even in a lodge, few things can compare to sitting around a campfire with friends sharing stories and gazing up into the night sky.

    • Fishing and Boating: This is something very relaxing for me. I own a small boat and enjoy taking it out during the summer months. Very few things can compare to being in the middle of a lake on a warm summer evening watching the sun go down. Once Winter has shed it’s last breath- if anyone wants to get out I’d be glad to take them on my boat; fishing or even just cruising around.

    In Summary:

    I want to be your friend. I aim to be approachable even if in large groups I may come off as awkward. I am a very down to earth person. I am here to be a humble public servant for MNFurs in the true meaning of the words.

    If elected to the board I intend to be a very positive influence for the community.

    In the end I think it should be up to the Community to decide who is right for the position not based simply on who the loudest candidate is, but who they feel is right for the job.

    If I do not get elected to the Board of Directors I still plan on helping out the Minnesota Furs community in any way I can.

    -- MNFurs Photography Head--

    Want a Photographer at an event? Want to help out with Photography at an event? PM me!

    #21807 Quote
    Hello all. I am Kevin McCarty, but you can call me Legonnare or Lego for short. I can be found hanging out at the Perkins furmeets typically chatting at a table, or playing games.  Look for someone with a mustache and goatee.  I am always open for a chat.

    I have lived most of my life in Minnesota since I was two. Before that I lived in Australia until my parents returned to the US in 1986. For the next 25 years I lived in the southern Twin Cities. During my time there I have been a part of many non-profit groups from our local church’s Knights of Columbus Chapter to Boy Scouts of America where I earned the rank of Eagle Scout, to Rosemount High School’s Technical Theatre Department. After High School, I attended Dakota County Technical College where I received my Electrical Construction & Maintenance A.A.S. Unfortunately the economy was tight by the time I left, so I had to hop around from job to job until my current job where I have been working for the past 3 years. My life has it’s ups and downs, but I always found a way to learn form it, move forward and continue on. In my free time I enjoy chatting with friends, learning about all kinds of interesting things, camping, hiking, swimming, and relaxing with a good story.

    I have been a part of this community since 2005. Not as long as others, but in the time here I have found an awesome, welcoming community. I have watched and participated with the group as it changed from having one person running and planning picnics and events to seeing a handful of furs wanting to help run events. This community is amazing! I’m honored to have been on the current board, to help strengthen and build it’s foundation so our future may rise for years and decades to come.

    This community has the ability to amazing things not only for each other, but beyond as well. I may not get the opportunity to get to know you all, but I will do my best to serve everyone to the best of my abilities and skills. To do that, I would need your vote to give the opportunity to support and grow this amazing community! Together, we can look to the future and do great things.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Legonnare.

    Stärke und Demut - Neart agus baint leis - Styrke og ydmykhet

    #21821 Quote
    I found this group in 2003 and its been a favorite part of my life since.I have been away and back several times from moving but I have been fully invested in the group since my return to Minneapolis a year and a half ago. I have done what I can to help with the operations of the group since then as the volunteer department head and wish to continue that stewardship as a board member.


    Quick blurb about me in general. Gay furry vegan liberal atheist in MPLS. I was born in St Paul. Grew up in various towns in Minnesota and South Dakota. Spent a few years at the University of Minnesota but had to leave after my father got a divorce that ruined his credit as a co-signer. Returned from middle-of-nowhere MN to Minneapolis in Sept ’12 after hitting the Fall Picnic and realizing how much I missed this group. Been loving every day of life since then (even though this bitterly cold winter is trying to make me dislike it).

    I have a plethora of experience I have been happy to apply to my work for the group. I left after a few years at University of Minnesota so I love making use of my over abundance of experience in extra curricular groups I was a part of there. To name a few I was an Orientation Leader, Admissions Ambassador, President of the GLBTA Network, Administrative Assistant for the Queer Student Cultural Center, Education/Cultural Chair for my dorm, President of the dorm the next year, National Communications Coordinator for Housing as a whole the next year, and some smaller gigs here and there. Facilitating groups is something I know how to and love doing. I’m the crazy person who actually enjoys this kind of minutia.

    The reason I’m running for the board is because I’m disappointed in the results we’ve seen this first year+ since it’s establishment. The board is like a separate entity. While I was the volunteer department head they felt disconnected even from me. I could ask most members to name 3 of the 5 members and they wouldn’t be able to. I respect that the current board has kept to themselves as they don’t want to seem as craving power and/or attention but they’ve swung the pendulum too far. The board has the right intentions but MNFurs members has not been shown see this. Most people in the group know me and thus I trust you know I care for not only the group as a whole but every individual member. A community is not just the sum of its parts, the people guiding it’s direction need to be in touch with those on the ground level.

    TL;DR You know me and I believe my actions up to now make the case for me that I deserve a place on the Minnesota Furs board.

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