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Thank you all!

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  • #25599 Quote
    Had a awesome time folks! Everything I had issues with (ripped tail, thanks Legofox), getting a badge hole punched (great thinking Dragen), and feeling comfortable with the community (pretty much the whole staff). The panels were extremely informative and I have got to say even though I was only around for half of it but really digged the cuddle room (no one touched anything they were not supposed to 😉 the volunteers in the room kept it PG I promise) and the hard cider at the end of the night with some of the staff.


    Spent a lot of time playing Cards Against Humanity in Winnebago with various groups and I had a blast! I was surprised at the turnout each night, we basically spent 5 hours playing on Saturday!


    Well for all of us newcomers and strays coming in from the cold I want to say thank-you for all that the extremely hard work that the staff, volunteers, and sponsors that made this fantastic convention and community get together! Look forward to doing this every year for as long you folks are able. I will try to volunteer next year if you will have me!

    – Sauce


    P.S. – Hope you had a great time Vagrant!

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Sauce.

    Electronic Music - EDM, Industrial, Synth
     - You will rarely see me during the day, I work nights
    Demi-Sexual - Fun first, flirt later
    Foodie - Food Adventures constantly, not a fan of fish though

    #25603 Quote
    I did! I really had a great time.

    Thanks again for picking me up to get there!

    I especially enjoyed playing Cards Against Humamity with you.

    I look forward to the next event that I’m able to attend & look forward to seeing you again.

    #25605 Quote
    Was a wonderful time and glad you all enjoyed things, everyone who had a hand in the development of this con did a very good job, hope everyone enjoyed the furnace fan I brought for the headless lounge, seemed it got crowded around once it was discovered that it was moving most of the air in that room and kept the place cool.  🙂


    Will have to see what next year brings and what fun things will go on then too, especially with the theme for next year being announced at closing ceremonies, I am sure there will be many people dressing the part.  🙂

    #25609 Quote
    Dang, sorry I missed it fellas, I was working like a dog for the man, yeah.
    #25625 Quote

    Dang, sorry I missed it fellas, I was working like a dog for the man, yeah.

    Maybe see you at some of the bi-weekly meetings then Ethan?


    Electronic Music - EDM, Industrial, Synth
     - You will rarely see me during the day, I work nights
    Demi-Sexual - Fun first, flirt later
    Foodie - Food Adventures constantly, not a fan of fish though

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