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Whose Lion and possible other panels?

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  • #43433 Quote
    Hi, a couple of weeks ago I used the contact form on Furry Migration’s web page to ask about programming, but I have yet to get any kind of response, so I’m posting here.   Is there a reliable e-mail address I should be using?

    I wanted to find out if I’d submitted any panels for this year (like Whose Lion improv), because earlier in the year I was incredibly busy and I couldn’t remember if I’d submitted any panel ideas.

    I also wanted to ask (and this is open to anyone reading this post) if, instead of doing a History of the fandom panel again, if there was a different spin or topic folks would like to talk about.  Or I was thinking of putting together a retrospective collection of video clips of furry films, but if I’m going to do that, I need to find out ASAP because me and video editing will take most of August. 🙂


    #43458 Quote
    Contact me at [email protected] I apologize for the lack of response to the web form. I will check on the submissions to be sure.


    • Furry Migration- Programming Division Lead
    • MN Furs- Events Department Staff
    #43468 Quote
    I think an interesting panel might be about the misconception of furry in media, but that runs the risk of turning flamey and overall not fun so let’s say I’m not married to the idea.

    "The problem is not that there are too many idiots in the world, the problem is the distribution of lightning."
    - Mark Twain

    #43470 Quote
    Yeah, that’s a minefield.  Furry is pretty much whatever people bring to the table, so a lot of the time it’s the media taking an extremely narrow and biased sampling of the fandom, which in turn they massively exaggerate. But to the furries interviewed, their take on furry frequently isn’t a misconception, it’s what they like (unless they’re misquoted).  So for the rest of us, it becomes an issue of who gets to speak for the whole, whether reputation and image matter, and to whom. Would make for a very flamey panel. 🙁

    That being said, I’ve occasionally thought it might be interesting to comb through the 1990s media coverage and make a chart of what parts of the fandom they bring up, but this is pretty low on my task list at the moment.


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