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Coffe, Tea, Furry? – MNFurs Room Party @ Anime Detour

MNFurs Home Page Forums Discussion Around Past MNFurs Events And Picnics Anime Detour 2014 Coffe, Tea, Furry? – MNFurs Room Party @ Anime Detour

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  • #22831 Quote
    Come have a mocha with Mr. Penguin at our Polar Bear Café at Anime Detour. Every one is welcome to show your furry pride at Anime Detour. Invite your anime friends to join us at our future events like Furry Migration.

    But we still need your help!

    Come help out and earn volunteer hours early by helping out during these times:
    Thursday: 6pm-9pm load in to set up banner, fursuit lounge, and posters from room 209
    Friday: 3pm-6pm Set up café in room 210
    Friday Café open: 6pm – midnight
    Saturday  Café open: noon-midnight
    Sunday: 9am-noon Load out and tear down

    Volunteers: 3 positions:
    Barista: making drinks
    Servers: getting people into room and serving drinks (most fursuit friendly)
    Socializers: sit down and explain who we are and what we do, run videos.

    Please note everyone is welcome to the room party who is registered for Anime Detour. Unfortunately registration is sold out – if you don’t have registration try again next year!

    #22866 Quote
    I clearly recall Flip/Procyon stating that the whole cafe idea was rescinded, something I’d initially planned on doing as volunteer work in advance of Furry Migration as a test run for Con Suite.  When did this change back?  Good communication here, people.

    That said, hope it turns out well for whomever takes over.  I might be available Thursday if help is needed.  The people who know how to reach me have my number.  Shoot me a text.

    #22869 Quote

    I clearly recall Flip/Procyon stating that the whole cafe idea was rescinded, something I’d initially planned on doing as volunteer work in advance of Furry Migration as a test run for Con Suite. When did this change back? Good communication here, people.
    That said, hope it turns out well for whomever takes over. I might be available Thursday if help is needed. The people who know how to reach me have my number. Shoot me a text.

    There has been an ongoing discussion for months here: https://www.mnfurs.org/forums/topic/seeking-volunteers-for-detour-room-party-hosted-by-mnfurs/ It briefly seemed it would fall through and the board wanted to open it up to more ideas but Flip did not receive any new ideas so he ran with the original one.

    #22881 Quote

    I clearly recall Flip/Procyon stating that the whole cafe idea was rescinded, something I’d initially planned on doing as volunteer work in advance of Furry Migration as a test run for Con Suite. When did this change back? Good communication here, people.
    That said, hope it turns out well for whomever takes over. I might be available Thursday if help is needed. The people who know how to reach me have my number. Shoot me a text.

    To be fair, most of the “scale back” of the cafe came about because you were fairly certain you would be unable to obtain a membership and did not have the vacation time to cover another weekend as you were already going to 6 furry cons this year and were unwilling to reschedule any.
    I, in good conscience, could not ask you to. However, that is why we sat down and had idea discussions on how to run a “basic” version.

    From our discussions, I did take the room layout idea you created as I did believe this was very insightful and I still await how to run drink recipes as, only until recently, I still lacked anyone with extensive coffee making experience.

    If you are suddenly free this weekend and have a con membership, I WILL move heck and high water, even if boiling, to still use this as a test run of consuite and upgrade the room party’s profile. This is ideally what I wanted but was certain you would be unable to attend.

    #22899 Quote
    I’ll try and get there by 3pm Friday to help out.
    #22928 Quote
    There is a possibility that I might be able to help out with set up on Thursday. and (if I wake up early enough) tear down on Sunday.

    I’m also willing to help out with serving in suit on Friday and Saturday, what times are servers needed the most those days?

    #22961 Quote
    I really want to go now that I know I can get off work. Curses for a convention attendee cap! If anyone wants to sell their reg. let me know.


    #23013 Quote
    Sorry for delay, took a 12 hour nap after convention.

    Thank you ever so much to all the furs who put in so much hard work to make this a success.

    Even with the complete reformat of approach and theme, the MNFurs room party had more in the win column than in the loss column.

    We managed to get 8 immediate registrations for Furry Migration. This may not seem like a lot, but having run room parties in past, the history is that getting a ton a registrations at con is very rare. The 8 we got is more than most of other convention room parties there. What we did get was profile and presence to a crowd who otherwise may have never known we existed. In the next months, with more info and events, we will show we are a friendly, fun, organized bunch whom they will want to hang out with for weekend.

    I do want to spend moment to highlight some people who went above and beyond:

    Twisted: From load in, transport, making posters, moving beds, running registration, and just generally being an extra set of hands whenever needed. If i read this right, also managed to log all of his 20 volunteer hours in ONE weekend. Well done. Now take a break!

    Kurst and Kevin: Kurst is always the wonderful Hyperyote, but his brother Kevin saved the day by making the coffee/tea aspect of the cafe have a higher level of quality than originally planned. Thank you so, so much!

    PoetryNinja: Andy, not only is the idea a good idea, and we now have proof of concept, but thank you for really taking the reigns about mid convention when some of us were starting to burn out. I think you have a good model here and i’m confident with a little planning, you can make this work better next year.

    Erastatones: Goes to show that even if you’re quite, shy, and have no suit, you can still do a tremendous amount of work for group. With help with load in, load out, and working “behind the curtain” in barista station making drinks, you had tremendous impact on the success of this party.

    Lastly, Grumble: For so many years you have brought useful equipment and supplies. May it be from stage curtain to create a fur suit lounge to the plethora of buckets, fans, and extension cords used to power our make shift lounges and coffee houses. Plus lending that extra hand now and again so people can get a break or just get a real meal.

    I also want to thank everyone else not mentioned above: Streaks, Rascal, VanBael, Blue, Ridyah, Mouring, Yarrick, Drake, Zeepaw, Kae, Arashin, Cresil, Ringer and more whom i know i’m forgetting as i’m still kinda sleepy. You all made this happen, thank you.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Procyon.
    #23015 Quote
    Thanks for getting it all together guys. The fursuit lounge was especially appreciated!
    #23016 Quote
    Yes, thanks to all the main people who helped make the room party successful.

    ~ Drake M.

    T H €  B | Z   F [] X

    Midwinter Frolic Staff ~ Photography - Midwinter Frolic is a fun winter camping event down at Whitewater State Park.  Attending and have some photography ideas?  Let's chat sometime!

    Furry Migration Staff ~ Programming - A will be a wandering staff photographer at FM this year.  Want a photo or two or more?  I'll be around!

    MNFurs ~ 501(c3) Non-Profit Organization

    #23030 Quote
    Hip hip horrah for a wonderful room party! May it prove as fruitful as we could ever desire!
    #23032 Quote
    This was great! Thank you for the time/effort everyone put in. I know that’s a lot of work.
    #23062 Quote
    Last little bit here.
    We learned a good deal this year and have insights to our future room parties.
    We also know AD is going to need more space for room parties so they are asking everyone to go to a one room format.
    I know i have lessons learned from this past event and have ideas and inputs on improvements in future.
    Please send any of the to either me or even better to poetryninja as he is likely to lead it up next year.
    #23064 Quote
    I would not call the 8 hours I worked serving coffee as enough to call me a Barista, however I was happy to help out.
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