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MNFurs Election Debate – March 26, 2016

The elections are upon us and we will have a single debate before the elections. The debate will take place at the Saturday Perkins meet on March 26th, 2016, from 5pm-7pm. This will be a moderated debate, which means questions are gathered up beforehand. Any questions? Feel free to direct them to [email protected]. Voting will be available during and after the debate, from 5pm-8pm.

Unfortunately, due to the timing and location we will not be able to live stream this debate. To be able to participate in the elections you must have submitted and approved 20 or more volunteer hours for Furry Migration or MNFurs.

For questions about the elections please visit this previous post. For questions about the candidates themselves please visit candidate announcement thread on MNFurs forums.

MNFurs Home Page Forums MNFurs Election Debate – March 26, 2016

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